Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Was it the best Christmas ever? I have no proof.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Introducing . . .

A real, live baby in MY uterus!
I can't even describe to you the feeling I had when I saw that screenshot. Mr. Joe couldn't make it to the appointment, so I took Ronnie with me. We were laughing and joking around the whole time, which was good because I was terrified. . . that is until the lights were dimmed and that picture of my peanut illuminated the room.
Friends, it was a definite moment. A moment I didn't realize I had been waiting all of my life to see, until it was lighting up my world - literally.
Dr. I-don't-have-time-to-listen-to-you said everything was perfect (aside from my bp, which was awful over terrible, since I was so nervous), heartbeat of 145. The beating heart made it look like Baby Joe was clapping :-) Then she handed me the pictures of the ultrasound and started rambling about the testing that needs to be done. I didn't really listen to any of it. I was too busy processing the fact that I wasn't dreaming.
Until the dr advised me that as of January first, she would no longer be doing obstetrics and she was pushing me on to a new dr! I'm sure most people would be sad or annoyed, but I am so happy that I don't have to find a new dr and break up with this one! I was able to meet her, and I'm pretty sure I'm her first real patient ever, but I'll take it. One less thing to worry about :-)
I probably won't get a chance to post anything until after christmas. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!! You all deserve everything your hearts desire :-)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sorry for the brief hiatus . . .

Sorry this is long and boring. Hopefully I have a more exciting post on Wednesday for you all!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
First things first: you, dear internets, are the best. Thank you for all of your emails and comments! You guys made me feel like a million bucks. :-)
I called Dr. Doesn't Listen to Me ( I know I had another clever name for her, but I'm too tired to look for it now. Its my OB, not the foreign accent RE guy) and they set me up for an appointment on the 21st. No blood test till then. I am only slightly freaking out. So far, I'm pretty sure I'm still pregnant. There was a small, minute spot of blood yesterday but I didn't allow myself to freak out. I'm trying to remember that this is all out of my hands, but I'm terrified of it being taken away.
I've been really really REALLY tired. It is becoming increasingly difficult to drag myself out of bed. I contemplated just peeing my pants yesterday so that I wouldn't have to get up. Lucky for Mr. Joe I decided against just letting go, but I worry that someday soon I will decide that it's totally worth it to pee my pants.
Other than that, and a few moments of nearly barfing, life has been normal. We haven't told many people, just 3 people and the blog, so we pretty much have to pretend that everything is the same. After my appointment on the 21st, we'll tell our parents so until then my lips are sealed. I am praying that we see a heartbeat and everything looks normal.
The new job has been wonderful. We haven't really done anything at all besides learning how to use email and touring the building. Since I am an internal transfer, I don't need any of that mishmosh. My biggest challenge has been staying awake.
Mr. Joe and I are taking a mini 3 day weekend trip to NYC this weekend. I can't wait to go to World Of Disney! Hope everyone has a marvelous weekend!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I have no words for this . . . well, maybe two:

At first glance, it looked like a faint positive. Then I realized that the dark line was the test line. It sucked all the ink out of the control line.
Holy shit.
Part of me was fighting this, because it would appear to the outside world that once I just relaxed I ended up pregnant. If you know anything about me, know this: I HATE TO BE TOLD I TOLD YOU SO. Which is precisely what my turd husband said. I would have punched him in the face, but I'm with child, and I thought that would be a bad idea.
Another part of me is extremely cautious. I must only be 10 minutes preggo at this point. We have only told 3 people, and you guys of course. If anything were to go wrong, those are the people I would cry about it to, so it only made sense to say something now.
Still ANOTHER part of me is sad for those of you who haven't made it here yet. I know how it feels to read another BFP post and have the inner war with my emotions. I am still praying every night for you. So far, God has been answering my prayers. It's taken me a little while to trust Him, but He seems to know what He is doing. I understand if you stop reading. I promise not to take it personally. I won't stop reading and praying for you though.
I feel like I am dreaming. I can't believe that tomorrow, I will be training for a job where I won't be talking to angry people who hate me all day long. I can't believe that I will be learning about how to manage some one's case and be growing a human being at the same time. I can't believe that I might be getting everything I've ever wanted.
Holy shit.